つくし、よもぎ、せり、日本たんぽぽ、たねつけばな、ぎしぎし、やぶかんぞう、のびる、せいたかあわだちそう、山みつば、すぎな、くれそん、かたばみ 、野バラの芽などなど20種類くらい使ってます。
苦味や渋みが春の訪れを感じ食欲をそそります。 今年は例年より早めに出てきているので早めに終わってしまうかもしれません。
Spring has come and we also have started to make seasonal spring dishes.
Tansy and strawberry dessert.
And spring greens and boar meat bacon salad
in which we use about 20 kinds of wild grass such as
horsetails, Japanse dandelion leaves, watercress,
wild Japanese watercress, buds of wild rose and so on.
Bitterness and acridity of them tell you spring has come
and give an edge to your appetite.